Easter Basket Production

Even for the Easter vacations we are used to giving some small gifts to people close to us, especially to family and friends, but also to employees and business associates who have distinguished themselves during the year. To meet everyone's needs, Maletti has turned to the production of Easter baskets, an innovative and successful gift idea.

Easter baskets production of Italian gastronomic excellence

The company, for generations, has been involved in the production of Easter baskets with Italian gastronomic excellence . In fact, since 1867, the year of its foundation, it has only included food from small local distributors in its packaging, which make quality products. of the product their strong point. All the products present inside the Easter baskets of Maletti, therefore, are certified IGP, DOP, DOC, with a guarantee of origin and quality; guaranteed. Among the Easter baskets, you can choose between the following:

  • Easter basket Colomba and Prosecco
  • Easter basket with eggs and dove
  • Sweet Salty Easter basket
  • Easter basket Easter lunch

Thanks to the packages in question, therefore, you will be able to savor tasty foods such as, for example, the dark chocolate Easter egg, the Easter dove, the pork shank, the salami of culatello, the Prosecco Superiore Valdobbiadene, Lambrusco Grasparossa and more. All proposed inside graceful and resistant boxes reminiscent of the Easter theme.

Production of customized Easter baskets

Maletti, in addition to offering packages already; made with typical products of this holiday, it also deals with the production of personalized Easter baskets , a service that will give you way to insert the delicacies that most they adapt to your tastes or those of your friends and relatives. Furthermore, through this possibility, the company has been able to establish numerous relationships of trust with customers, producers and companies, who rely on Maletti for purchase of Easter confections precisely because of the great variety; of available solutions and the quality gastronomic products that they can decide to put in the baskets.

Learn more about making Easter baskets?

If you would like more information on the production of Easter baskets , contact us by filling out the form in the contact section . You will be contacted as soon as possible; soon from customer service with all the necessary information or a possible quote.